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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789101112131415]
 Csheaf::abstract_poset_member_row_dofs_typeRow dofs type for class abstract_poset_member
 Csheaf::abstract_poset_member_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class abstract_poset_member
 Cfiber_bundle::antisymmetric_matrix_2x2< T >Antisymmetric matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::antisymmetric_matrix_3x3< T >Antisymmetric matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns
 Csheaf::anyAbstract base class with useful features for all objects
 Cfiber_bundle::any_liteAbstract base class with useful features for all volatile objects
 Csheaf::arg_listA whitespace separated list of arguments. Insertion operaters are used to insert arguments into the list. C++ strings are treated as string literals. The value of the string is inserted into arg_list
 Csheaf::arg_list::arg_typeThe internal argument type
 Cfiber_bundle::at0_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class at0
 Cfiber_bundle::at0_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::at2_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class at2_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::at2_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::at2_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class at2_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::at2_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::at3_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class at3_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::at3_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Csheaf::auto_block< T, S >A contiguously allocated array of items of type T with size information and automatic resizing
 Csheaf::auto_block< explicit_index_space_state *, zero_block_initialization_policy< explicit_index_space_state * > >
 Csheaf::auto_block< index_space_handle *, terms_init_type >
 Csheaf::auto_block< pod_type, invalid_block_initialization_policy< pod_type > >
 Csheaf::auto_block< poset_dof_map *, row_dofs_init_type >
 Csheaf::auto_block< scattered_insertion_index_space_handle *, init_type >
 Csheaf::auto_block< section_evaluator *, zero_block_initialization_policy< section_evaluator * > >
 Csheaf::auto_block< subposet_state *, subposets_init_type >
 Csheaf::auto_block< T, un_block_initialization_policy< T > >
 Cfiber_bundle::base_space_factory< base_type >A factory for making base space objects of type base_type
 Cfiber_bundle::base_space_member_row_dof_tuple_typeThe type of row dof tuple for base_space_member
 Cfiber_bundle::base_space_poset_table_dof_tuple_typeThe type of table dof tuple for base_space_poset
 Cfiber_bundle::binary_indexA pair of indices (i,j)
 Cfiber_bundle::binary_index_spaceA bounded domain for binary_index objects
 Cfields::body_factoryTest case generator for classes body_builder and body_pusher
 Cgeometry::d_bin_coordinates< DC, DB >Fixed point relative coordinates for a tree domain
 Cgeometry::d_bounding_box< DC, DB >A bounding box that can be strung together into a list
 Cgeometry::d_tree_point_locator_node< DC, DB >A node in a d_tree_point_locator search structure
 Cgeometry::d_tree_point_locator_path< DC, DB >A path in an d_tree_point_locator search structure
 Ctool::visualization_iterator::depth_flags_typeRelative depth flags type
 Cfields::property_disc_iterator::depth_flags_typeRelative depth flags type
 Cfiber_bundle::discretization_contextA context for discretization members. Intended for implementing various iterators, especially concurrent iterations over multiple sections
 Cfields::discretization_hashA hash function class for discretization map entries
 Cfields::discretization_push_actionThe action to executed by discretization_pusher::push on each member of a discretization subposet
 Csheaf::dof_descriptor_array::dof_descriptorBasic description of a dof
 Csheaf::dof_descriptor_arrayAn array for storing structs which describe the size, alignment, and offset of dofs within a dof tuple
 Csheaf::dof_map_factoryA factory for creating dof maps
 Cfiber_bundle::e1_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class e1
 Cfiber_bundle::e1_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class e2
 Cfiber_bundle::e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class e3
 Cfiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::e4_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class e4
 Cfiber_bundle::e4_row_dofs_type< double >
 Csheaf::equivalence_compare_policyA stl_scoped_index comparison policy for equivalence comparison
 Csheaf::error_messageA message to report error conditions
 Csheaf::factory< T >A factory for instanting descendants of an abstract type T, given the class name of the descendant. Requires: virtual const string& T::class_name() the actual (descendant) class name of the prototype. virtual T* T::clone() virtual default constructor virtual bool is_initialized() true if instance is fully initialized
 Csheaf::factory_2< T, R >A factory for instanting descendants of an abstract type T, given the class name of the descendant. Requires: virtual const string& T::class_name() the actual (descendant) class name of the prototype. virtual R T::clone() virtual default constructor virtual R T::clone(S& xarg) virtual constructor
 Cfields::field_factoryTest case generator for fields cluster
 Cfields::field_factory_2< coord_type, prop_type, base_type >A factory for making field_vd objects with coordinates section of type coord_type, property section of type prop_type and base space of type base_type
 Cfields::field_refinement_bufferA buffer for data which is used by both a local_field_refiner object and its associated field_refinement_policy object
 Cfields::field_traits< T >Features describing a field type. Declaration only; there is no generic implementation for this template. It is implemented only via specializations
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at0 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at1 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at2_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at2_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_at3_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_atp >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e1 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e1_uniform >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e2_uniform >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e3_uniform >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_e4 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_ed >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_jcb >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_jcb_e13 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_jcb_e23 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_jcb_e33 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_jcb_ed >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_met >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_met_e1 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_met_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_met_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_met_ed >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st2_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st2_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st3_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st4 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st4_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_st4_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_stp >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t2_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t2_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t3_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t4 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t4_e2 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_t4_e3 >
 Cfields::field_traits< sec_tp >
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_1x2< T >General matrix with 1 row and 2 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_1x3< T >General matrix with 1 row and 3 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x1< T >General matrix with 2 rows and 1 column
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x2< T >General matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x3< T >General matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x1< T >General matrix with 3 rows and 1 column
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x2< T >General matrix with 3 rows and 2 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x3< T >General matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::gl2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class gl2
 Cfiber_bundle::gl2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::gl3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class gl3
 Cfiber_bundle::gl3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::gln_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class gln
 Cfiber_bundle::gln_table_dofs_typeTable dofs of gln
 Chash< sheaf::scoped_index >Specialization of hash function to scoped_index
 Csheaf::index_equivalence_classData structure containing the id equivalence class for ab id space family. This class is used as a temporary data structured to be used by id equivalence iterator. This class consists of a block of lists. Each list has the equivalence id for the representive id in a given scope
 Csheaf::index_iteratorIterates over the subset of Zn defined by the characteristic function host()
 Csheaf::index_scopeDefault id map for objects of type scoped_index. A convenient and safe mechanism for managing scoped_index::default_scope()
 Csheaf::index_traits< T >Features describing T as an index type
 Csheaf::index_traits< scoped_index >Features describing scoped_index as an index type
 Csheaf::intervalStruct representing the closed interval [_begin, _end]
 Csheaf::invalid_block_initialization_policy< T >A auto_block initialization policy that initializes the values to invalid
 Csheaf::invalid_block_initialization_policy< double >
 Csheaf::invalid_block_initialization_policy< float >
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e13_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class jcb_e13
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e13_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e23_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class jcb_e23
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e23_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e33_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class jcb_e33
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_e33_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::jcb_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class jcb
 Cjvm_launcherLauncher for the Java virtual machine
 Csheaf::key_deep_size_policy< M >Call deep_size on the key
 Csheaf::key_value_deep_size_policy< M >Call deep_size on the key and the value
 Csheaf::lexographical_compare_policyA stl_scoped_index comparison policy for lexographical comparison
 Csheaf::list_pool< T >A reallocated pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either allocated or stored in a free list. The object allocated by the pool are tracked. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation for small numbers of objects
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< sheaf::array_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< sheaf::constant_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle >
 Csheaf::list_pool< sheaf::ragged_array_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Csheaf::list_pool< sheaf::singleton_implicit_index_space_iterator >
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e1_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class met_e1
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e1_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class met_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class met_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::met_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_member_indexIndex for identifying a poset member relative to a given name space
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_member_index_pod_typePOD type for namespace_relative_member_index
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_record_indexRecord index equivalent to namespace_relative_member_index and namespace_relative_subposet_index
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_record_index_pod_typeThe POD (plain old data) type associated with this
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_indexIndex for identifying a subposet relative to a given name space
 Csheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_typePOD type associated with namespace_relative_subposet_index
 Csheaf::no_deep_size_policy< M >Do not call deep_size on either the key or value
 Csheaf::plotA class for constructing files to be read by gnuplot
 Cgeometry::point_locatorAn abstract point location query in domains with global coordinate dimension dc and local coordinate dimension db
 Csheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >A reallocatable pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either "allocated" or linked together into a "free" list. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation of nodes in a graph or other dynamic data structure. There is an implicit constraint on T: it must have a next() feature
 Csheaf::poset_handle_factoryA factory for creating poset handles
 Csheaf::poset_joinerComputes the join of given poset members
 Csheaf::poset_pathA path defined by a poset name and a member name separated by a forward slash ('/'). For example: "cell_definitions/triangle"
 Csheaf::primitive_attributesAbstract object wrapper for an instance of a primitive type
 Csheaf::primitive_buffer_typeType of buffer large enough to hold any primitive type
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< T >Traits for primitive type T
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< bool >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< c_string >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< char >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< char const *>
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< double >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< float >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< long double >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< long int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< long long int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< short int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< signed char >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< unsigned char >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< unsigned int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< unsigned long int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< unsigned long long int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< unsigned short int >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< void >
 Csheaf::primitive_traits< void_star >
 Csheaf::primitive_valueAbstract object wrapper for an instance of a primitive type
 Csheaf::ptr_hash< T >Hash function for pointers
 Csheaf::ptr_key_test< T >Hash set key test for a pointer to type T
 Csheaf::ptr_linked_pool< T >A reallocatable pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either "allocated" or linked together via pointers into a "free" list. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation of nodes in a graph or other dynamic data structure. There is an implicit constraint on T: it must have a next() feature
 Csheaf::ptr_linked_pool< geometry::d_tree_point_locator_node< DC, DB > >
 Cfields::pullback_map_entryAn entry in a discretization map
 Csheaf::rc_ptr< T >Reference-counted pointer to object of type T. T must be an implementation of concept class rc_any
 Cgeometry::line_surface_intersecter::really_less_thanCompare functor makes sure surface values are really different
 Csheaf::record_map< internal_index_type, external_index_type >Insert record_map& p into ostream& os
 Csheaf::record_map< pod_index_type, pod_index_type >
 Csheaf::reportA report generating class
 Csheaf::scoped_indexAn index within the external ("client") scope of a given id space
 Csheaf::scoped_index_hub_podAn encapsulated hub pod_index; intended only for implementing scoped_index "operators" ==~ and !=~; see bool scoped_index::operator==(scoped_index_hub_pod) and scoped_index_interal_pod scoped_index::operator~(const scoped_index&)
 Cfiber_bundle::sec_rep_descriptor_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class sec_rep_descriptor_poset
 Cfiber_bundle::section_iteration_stateDescriptor for iteration state of individual section. Intended for implementing various iterators, especially concurrent iterations over multiple sections
 Cfiber_bundle::section_space_schema_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class section_space_schema_poset
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_type >Features describing a section type. Declaration only; there is no generic implementation for this template. It is implemented only via specializations
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_at0 >Features describing a sec_at0 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_at1 >Features describing a sec_at1 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_at2_e2 >Features describing a sec_at2_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_at2_e3 >Features describing a sec_at2_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_at3_e3 >Features describing a sec_at3_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e1 >Features describing a sec_e1 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e1_uniform >Features describing a sec_e1_uniform as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e2 >Features describing a sec_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e2_uniform >Features describing a sec_e2_uniform as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e3 >Features describing a sec_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_e3_uniform >Features describing a sec_e3_uniform as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_jcb_e13 >Features describing a sec_sec_jcb_e13 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_jcb_e23 >Features describing a sec_jcb_e23 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_jcb_e33 >Features describing a sec_jcb_e33 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_met_e1 >Features describing a sec_met_e1 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_met_e2 >Features describing a sec_met_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_met_e3 >Features describing a sec_met_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_st2_e2 >Features describing a sec_st2_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_st2_e3 >Features describing a sec_st2_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_st3_e3 >Features describing a sec_st3_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_st4_e2 >Features describing a sec_st4_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_st4_e3 >Features describing a sec_t3_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_t2_e2 >Features describing a sec_t2_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_t2_e3 >Features describing a sec_t2_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_t3_e3 >Features describing a sec_t3_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_t4_e2 >Features describing a sec_t4_e2 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_t4_e3 >Features describing a sec_t3_e3 as a section type
 Cfiber_bundle::section_traits< sec_vd >Features describing a sec_vd as a section type
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Csheaf::set_filterSet implementation of filter concept
 Csheaf::sheaf_constantsOBSOLETE: use sheaf::poset_type, sheaf::dof_tuple_type, etc. Retained only because swig wraps only class members
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< T, A >Wrapper class for forward_list or slist depending on compiler. The class replicates the minimum subset of the forward_list and slist classes. It also implements a push_front function that takes a range
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< const d_bounding_box< DC, DB > * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< int >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< pod_index_type >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::array_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::block< geometry::d_tree_point_locator_node< DC, DB > > *>
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::block< T > *>
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::constant_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::ragged_array_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< sheaf::singleton_implicit_index_space_iterator * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< T * >
 Csheaf::singly_linked_list< T *>
 Cfiber_bundle::st2_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class st2_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::st2_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::st2_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class st2_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::st2_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::st3_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class st3_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::st3_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::st4_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class st4_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::st4_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::st4_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class st4_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::st4_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Csheaf::stl_scoped_index< T >Wrapper for scoped_index used for standard template library tree containers (set, multiset, map, multimap). This class redefines operator< to guarantee strict work ordering regardless of the id space
 Csheaf::stop_watchA clock for timing intervals
 Csheaf::subposet_stateThe data structure representing the state of a subposet
 Cfiber_bundle::symmetric_matrix_2x2< T >Symmetric matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::symmetric_matrix_3x3< T >Symmetric matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns
 Cfiber_bundle::t02_e2_row_dofs_type< T >
 Cfiber_bundle::t02_e3_row_dofs_type< T >
 Cfiber_bundle::t11_e2_row_dofs_type< T >
 Cfiber_bundle::t2_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class t2_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::t2_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::t2_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class t2_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::t2_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::t3_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class t3_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::t3_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::t4_e2_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class t4_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::t4_e2_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::t4_e3_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class t4_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::t4_e3_row_dofs_type< double >
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< P, VECTOR_TYPE >Tensor types of degree P over VECTOR_TYPE. Must be specialized for every supported combination of VECTOR_TYPE and P
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 0, sec_e2 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over sec_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 0, sec_e3 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over sec_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 0, sec_e4 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over sec_e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 0, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree 0 over sec_vd; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 1, sec_e2 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over sec_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 1, sec_e3 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over sec_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 1, sec_e4 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over sec_e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 1, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree 1 over sec_vd; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 2, sec_e2 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over sec_e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 2, sec_e3 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over sec_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 2, sec_e4 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over sec_e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 2, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree 2 over sec_vd; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 3, sec_e3 >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over sec_e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 3, sec_e4 >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over sec_e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 3, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree 3 over sec_vd; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< 4, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree 4 over sec_vd; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_section_traits< P, sec_vd >Tensor types of degree P over sec_vd; partial specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< P, VECTOR_TYPE >Tensor types of degree P over VECTOR_TYPE. No generic implementation defined, must be specialized for every supported combination of VECTOR_TYPE and P
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e2 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e2_lite >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e2_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e3 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e3_lite >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e3_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e4 >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, e4_lite >Specialization for degree 0 tensors over e4_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 0, vd_lite >Tensor types of degree 0 over vd_lite; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e2 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e2_lite >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e2_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e3 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e3_lite >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e3_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e4 >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, e4_lite >Specialization for degree 1 tensors over e4_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 1, vd_lite >Tensor types of degree 1 over vd_lite; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e2 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e2_lite >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e2_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e3 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e3_lite >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e3_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e4 >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, e4_lite >Specialization for degree 2 tensors over e4_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 2, vd_lite >Tensor types of degree 2 over vd_lite; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e2 >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e2_lite >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e2_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e3 >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e3_lite >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e3_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e4 >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, e4_lite >Specialization for degree 3 tensors over e4_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 3, vd_lite >Tensor types of degree 3 over vd_lite; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e2 >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e2
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e2_lite >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e2_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e3 >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e3
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e3_lite >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e3_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e4 >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e4
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, e4_lite >Specialization for degree 4 tensors over e4_lite
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_traits< 4, vd_lite >Tensor types of degree 4 over vd_lite; full specialization
 Cfiber_bundle::tensor_varianceThe "type" of a tensor; specifies the degree and the co- or contra-variance for each index of a tensor
 Csheaf::ternA three state "bool". Does not provide the operations of ternary logic and is intended for use mostly as a convenient, three-way input argument. Can not be used as a base class since it does not have a virtual destructor
 Cfiber_bundle::ternary_indexA triple of indices (i,j, k)
 Cfiber_bundle::ternary_index_spaceA bounded domain for ternary_index objects
 Cfiber_bundle::tp_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class tp
 Csheaf::storage_agent::transactionA transaction entity
 Cfiber_bundle::tuple_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class tuple_table_dofs_type
 Csheaf::un_block_initialization_policy< T >An auto_block value initialization policy that leaves the values uninitialized
 Cfiber_bundle::unary_index_spaceA bounded domain for unary_index objects
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >STL class
 Csheaf::unordered_set_filterHash set implementation of filter concept
 Cfiber_bundle::unstructured_block_builderOBSOLETE: use zone_nodes_block or point_block_*d. A builder object for constructing unstructured blocks given a local cell template and atomic equivalences ("connectivity")
 Csheaf::value_deep_size_policy< M >Call deep_size on the value
 Csheaf::value_ptr_deep_size_policy< M >Call deep_size on the dereferenced pointer of the value
 Cfiber_bundle::vd_row_dofs_type< T >Row dofs type for class vd
 Cfiber_bundle::vd_table_dofs_typeTable dofs type for class vd_table_dofs_type
 Cgeometry::db0_point_locator< DC >::vertex_typeThe information stored in the search structure for each vertex
 Csheaf::zero_block_initialization_policy< T >A auto_block initialization policy that initializes the values to zero
 Csheaf::zn_to_boolA map from Zn (the integers mod n) to bools. A characteristic function used to represent subsets of Zn
 Csheaf::zn_to_bool_filterZn_to_bool implementation of filter concept