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sheaf::list_index_space_handle Class Reference

An map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are positive and dense, that is, the domain ids are in the domain (~0, ~end()). This representation is optimized for sequential access and will have a linear asymptotic performance in both time and storage for random access lookup and insertion respectively. More...

#include <list_index_space_handle.h>

Inheritance diagram for sheaf::list_index_space_handle:
sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle sheaf::index_space_handle sheaf::any


class list_index_space_state
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const list_index_space_handle &xi)
 Insert index_space_handle& xn into ostream& xos. More...


static list_index_space_handle new_space (index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname, bool xis_persistent)
 Create a new list id space in the id space family xid_space with name xname, and persistence xis_persistent. Returns a handle to the id space created. More...


 list_index_space_handle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 list_index_space_handle (const list_index_space_handle &xother)
 Copy constructor. More...
 list_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex)
 Constructor: Attach to state with index xindex in the family xid_spaces. More...
 list_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname)
 Constructor: Attach to state with name xname in the family xid_spaces. More...
list_index_space_handleoperator= (const list_index_space_handle &xother)
 Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother). More...
virtual ~list_index_space_handle ()
 Destructor. More...
void reverse (bool xupdate_extrema)
 Reverse the order, for instance hub_pod(new 0) = hub_pod(old last);. More...
pod_type front () const
 The front of the list used to represent this id space; equivalent to hub_pod(begin()). More...
pod_type back () const
 The back of the list used to represent this id space; equivalent to hub_pod(last id). More...
void push_front (pod_type xhub_id)
 Pushes hub id xhub_id onto the front of the list used to represent this id space; increments the domain ids of all existing members. More...
void replace_range_id (pod_type xold_range_id, pod_type xnew_range_id)
 Replaces xold_range_id with xnew_range_id. More...
 list_index_space_handle (list_index_space_state &xstate)
 Constructor: Attach to state xstate. More...
list_index_space_statestate ()
 The list id space state (mutable version). More...
const list_index_space_statestate () const
 The list id space state (const version). More...


typedef std::list< pod_typeto_range_type
 The type of the domain id to range id map. More...
to_range_typeto_range ()
 The representation of the domain id to range id map. Warning: direct manipulation of the to_range map can invalid the state of the index space, make sure to invoke update_extrema() before using the rest of the index space interface. More...
const to_range_typeto_range () const
 The representation of the domain id to range id map, const version. Warning: direct manipulation of the to_range map can invalid the state of the index space, make sure to invoke update_extrema() before using the rest of the index space interface. More...


virtual list_index_space_handleoperator= (const index_space_handle &xother)
 Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother). More...
virtual list_index_space_handleclone () const
 Virtual constructor, makes a new instance of the same type as this. If the handle is attached, attach to the same state. More...


virtual bool conforms_to_state (const index_space_collection &xhost, pod_type xlocal_id) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with local scope id xlocal_id in the host id space collection xhost. More...


virtual bool is_ancestor_of (const any *other) const
 Conformance test; true if other conforms to this. More...
virtual bool invariant () const
 Class invariant. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from sheaf::index_space_handle
typedef pod_index_type pod_type
 The "plain old data" index type for this. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle
 scattered_insertion_index_space_handle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 scattered_insertion_index_space_handle (const scattered_insertion_index_space_handle &xother)
 Copy constructor. More...
 scattered_insertion_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex)
 Constructor: Attach to state with index xindex in the family xid_spaces. More...
 scattered_insertion_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname)
 Constructor: Attach to state with name xname in the family xid_spaces. More...
scattered_insertion_index_space_handleoperator= (const scattered_insertion_index_space_handle &xother)
 Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother). More...
virtual ~scattered_insertion_index_space_handle ()
 Destructor. More...
void insert (pod_type xid, const scoped_index &xhub_id)
 Make id xid in this id space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. synonym for insert(xid, xhub_id.hub_pod()). More...
void insert (pod_type xid, pod_type xhub_id)
 Make id xid in this id space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle
 gathered_insertion_index_space_handle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 gathered_insertion_index_space_handle (const gathered_insertion_index_space_handle &xother)
 Copy constructor. More...
 gathered_insertion_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex)
 Constructor: Attach to state with index xindex in the family xid_spaces. More...
 gathered_insertion_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname)
 Constructor: Attach to state with name xname in the family xid_spaces. More...
gathered_insertion_index_space_handleoperator= (const gathered_insertion_index_space_handle &xother)
 Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother). More...
virtual ~gathered_insertion_index_space_handle ()
 Destructor. More...
void push_back (const scoped_index &xhub_id)
 Make the next id in this space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. synonym for push_back(xhub_id.hub_pod()). More...
void push_back (pod_type xid)
 Make the next id in this space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. More...
void push (index_space_iterator &xitr, const scoped_index &xhub_id)
 Makes id in this id space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. Increments all ids greater than if any by one. Xitr will be set to the entry with id, synonym for push(xitr, xhub_id.pod()). More...
void push (index_space_iterator &xitr, pod_type xhub_id)
 Makes id in this id space equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. Increments all ids greater than if any by one. Xitr will be set to the entry with id, More...
pod_type next_id () const
 The id inserted by the next call to push_back. More...
size_type remove (const scoped_index &xid, bool update_extrema)
 Removes the equivalence associated with xid.hub_pod(). synonym for remove_hub(xid.hub_pod(), xupdate_extrema). Returns the number of entries actually removed, either 0 or 1. More...
size_type remove (pod_type xid, bool update_extrema)
 Removes the equivalence associated with id xid. Returns the number of entries actually removed, either 0 or 1. More...
size_type remove_hub (pod_type xhub_id, bool update_extrema)
 Removes the equivalence associated with hub id xhub_id. Returns the number of entries actually removed, either 0 or 1. More...
void remove (index_space_iterator &xitr, bool update_extrema)
 Removes the equivalence associated with id xitr.pod(). Increments xitr to the next entry if any. More...
void gather ()
 Gathers this id space into an interval. More...
void update_extrema ()
 Update the id extrema. More...
void reserve (size_type xcapacity)
 Reserve enough memory for xcapacity number of ids. More...
size_type capacity () const
 The number of ids reserved in memory. More...
void clear ()
 Delete all ids. More...
void put_is_persistent (bool xis_persistent)
 Set if this id space should be written to disk. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle
 explicit_index_space_handle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 explicit_index_space_handle (const explicit_index_space_handle &xother)
 Copy constructor. More...
 explicit_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex)
 Constructor: Attach to state with index xindex in the family xid_spaces. More...
 explicit_index_space_handle (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname)
 Constructor: Attach to state with name xname in the family xid_spaces. More...
explicit_index_space_handleoperator= (const explicit_index_space_handle &xother)
 Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother). More...
virtual ~explicit_index_space_handle ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual const index_space_familyid_spaces () const
 The id space family for this (const version). More...
virtual index_space_familyid_spaces ()
 The id space family for this (mutable version). More...
virtual size_type ct () const
 The number of members. More...
virtual pod_type begin () const
 Beginning id of this space. More...
virtual pod_type end () const
 Ending id of this space. More...
virtual bool contains (pod_type xid) const
 True if this space contains id xid. More...
virtual bool contains_unglued_hub (pod_type xid) const
 True if this space contains an id equivalent to xid in the unglued hub id space. More...
virtual bool contains_glued_hub (pod_type xid) const
 True if this space contains an id equivalent to xid in the glued hub id space. More...
virtual bool contains (pod_type xid, pod_type xhub_id) const
 True if this space contains an id xid equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. More...
virtual pod_type pod (pod_type xid) const
 The pod index in this space equivalent to xid in the hub id space. More...
virtual pod_type unglued_hub_pod (pod_type xid) const
 The pod index in the unglued hub id space equivalent to xid in this id space. More...
virtual pod_type glued_hub_pod (pod_type xid) const
 The pod index in the hub id space equivalent to xid in this id space. synonym for unglued_hub_pod(xid). More...
virtual bool is_persistent () const
 True if this id space should be written to disk. More...
virtual void new_product_structure (const abstract_product_structure &xproduct)
 Creates a new product structure for this id space by cloning the product structure, xproduct. More...
virtual void delete_product_structure ()
 Deletes the product structure for this id space. More...
virtual const abstract_product_structureproduct_structure () const
 The product structure for this id space (const version). More...
virtual abstract_product_structureproduct_structure ()
 The product structure for this id space (mutable version). More...
virtual bool has_product_structure () const
 True if this id space has a product structure. More...
virtual const index_space_collectionhost () const
 The host collection. More...
virtual pod_type index () const
 Index of this space. More...
virtual bool is_attached () const
 True if this handle is attached to a state. More...
virtual void attach_to (pod_type xindex)
 Attach to the state with index xindex in the id space family id_spaces(). More...
virtual void attach_to (const index_space_collection &xhost, pod_type xlocal_id)
 Attach to the state with local scope id, xlocal_id in the host id space collection xhost. More...
virtual void detach ()
 Detach this handle form its state, if any. More...
virtual index_space_handleget_id_space () const
 Allocates an id space handle from the handle pool. More...
virtual void release_id_space () const
 Returns this id space handle to the handle pool. More...
virtual bool allocated_id_space () const
 True if and only if this id space handle was allocated by the handle pool. More...
virtual index_space_iteratorget_iterator () const
 Allocates an id space iterator from the iterator pool. More...
virtual void release_iterator (index_space_iterator &xitr) const
 Returns the id space iterator xitr to the iterator pool. More...
virtual bool allocated_iterator (const index_space_iterator &xitr) const
 True if and only if id space iterator xitr was allocated by the iterator pool. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sheaf::index_space_handle
virtual ~index_space_handle ()
 Destructor. More...
bool operator== (const index_space_handle &xother) const
 True if this is a handle has the same state as xother. More...
const hub_index_space_handlehub_id_space () const
 The hub id space. More...
bool is_empty () const
 True if there are no ids in the space. More...
bool is_gathered () const
 True if begin() == 0 and end() == ct(). More...
bool contains (const scoped_index &xid) const
 True if this space contains an id equivalent to xid. synonym for contains_hub(xid.hub_pod()). More...
bool contains_hub (pod_type xid) const
 True if this space contains an id equivalent to xid in the unglued hub id space. synonym for contains_unglued_hub(xid) More...
bool contains (pod_type xid, const scoped_index &xhub_id) const
 True if this space contains an id xid equivalent to xhub_id in the hub id space. synonym for contains(xid, xhub_id.hub_pod()). More...
pod_type pod (const scoped_index &xid) const
 The pod index in this space equivalent to xid. synonym for pod(xid.hub_pod()). More...
pod_type hub_pod (pod_type xid) const
 The pod index in the unglued hub id space equivalent to xid in this id space; synonym for unglued_hub_pod(pod_type). More...
template<typename T >
const T & product_structure () const
 The product structure of type T for this id space (const version). More...
template<typename T >
T & product_structure ()
 The product structure of type T for this id space (mutable version). More...
template<typename T >
bool product_structure_conforms_to () const
 True if the product structure for this id space conforms to type T. More...
std::string name () const
 Name of this space. More...
void put_name (const std::string &xname)
 Associate name xname with this id space. More...
void attach_to (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex)
 Attach to the state with index xindex in the id space family xid_spaces. More...
void attach_to (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname)
 Attach to the state with name xname in the id space family xid_spaces. More...
void attach_to (const std::string &xname)
 Attach to the state with name xname in the id space family id_spaces(). More...
void attach_to (const index_space_handle &xother)
 Attach to the state of the id space xother. More...
bool conforms_to_state (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, pod_type xindex) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with index xindex in the id space family, xid_spaces. More...
bool conforms_to_state (const index_space_family &xid_spaces, const std::string &xname) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with name xname in the id space family, xid_spaces. More...
bool conforms_to_state (pod_type xid) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with id xid. More...
bool conforms_to_state (const std::string &xname) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with name xname. More...
bool conforms_to_state (const index_space_handle &xother) const
 True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state of xother. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sheaf::any
bool is_same_type (const any *other) const
 True if other is the same type as this. More...
virtual ~any ()
 Destructor. More...
bool invariant_check () const
 True if invariant checking is enabled. More...
void enable_invariant_check () const
 Enable invariant checking. More...
void disable_invariant_check () const
 Disable invariant check. Intended for preventing recursive calls to invariant and for suppressing invariant checking during multi-phase initialization. More...
int disable_invariance_check_request_depth () const
 Number of times disable_invariant_check has been called without matching call to enable_invariant_check. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle
scattered_insertion_index_space_statestate ()
 The mutable id space state (mutable version). More...
const scattered_insertion_index_space_statestate () const
 The mutable id space state (const version). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle
gathered_insertion_index_space_statestate ()
 The gathered_insertion id space state (gathered_insertion version). More...
const gathered_insertion_index_space_statestate () const
 The gathered_insertion id space state (const version). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle
explicit_index_space_statestate ()
 The explicit state (mutable version). More...
const explicit_index_space_statestate () const
 The explicit state (const version). More...
void attach_to (explicit_index_space_state *xstate)
 Attach to the explicit id space state xstate. More...
virtual bool conforms_to_state (explicit_index_space_state *xstate) const
 True if this conforms to the iterator type required by the explicit id space state xstate. More...
explicit_index_space_statestate (pod_type xindex) const
 The explicit id space state at id xindex in id space family id_spaces(). Returns null if no id space stae is available at index xindex. More...
explicit_index_space_statestate (const index_space_collection &xhost, pod_type xlocal_id) const
 The explicit id space state with local scope id xlocal_id in the host id space collection xhost. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sheaf::index_space_handle
 index_space_handle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 index_space_handle (const index_space_handle &xother)
 Copy constructor; disabled. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sheaf::any
 any ()
 default constructor More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle
 The explicit state. More...

Detailed Description

An map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are positive and dense, that is, the domain ids are in the domain (~0, ~end()). This representation is optimized for sequential access and will have a linear asymptotic performance in both time and storage for random access lookup and insertion respectively.

Definition at line 59 of file list_index_space_handle.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ to_range_type

The type of the domain id to range id map.

Definition at line 201 of file list_index_space_handle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ list_index_space_handle() [1/5]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::list_index_space_handle ( )

Default constructor.


Definition at line 75 of file

References invariant().

Referenced by clone(), list_index_space_handle(), new_space(), and replace_range_id().

◆ list_index_space_handle() [2/5]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::list_index_space_handle ( const list_index_space_handle xother)

Copy constructor.

  • (*this) == xother

Definition at line 92 of file

References invariant(), and list_index_space_handle().

◆ list_index_space_handle() [3/5]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::list_index_space_handle ( const index_space_family xid_spaces,
pod_type  xindex 

Constructor: Attach to state with index xindex in the family xid_spaces.

  • xid_spaces.contains(xindex)
  • conforms_to_state(xid_spaces, xindex)

Definition at line 111 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::attach_to(), conforms_to_state(), sheaf::index_space_family::contains(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::id_spaces(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::index(), invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached(), and list_index_space_handle().

◆ list_index_space_handle() [4/5]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::list_index_space_handle ( const index_space_family xid_spaces,
const std::string &  xname 

Constructor: Attach to state with name xname in the family xid_spaces.

  • xid_spaces.contains(xname)
  • conforms_to_state(xid_spaces, xname)

Definition at line 136 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::attach_to(), conforms_to_state(), sheaf::index_space_family::contains(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::id_spaces(), invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached(), sheaf::index_space_handle::name(), and operator=().

◆ ~list_index_space_handle()

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::~list_index_space_handle ( )


Definition at line 183 of file

References reverse().

Referenced by operator=().

◆ list_index_space_handle() [5/5]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::list_index_space_handle ( list_index_space_state xstate)

Constructor: Attach to state xstate.


Definition at line 296 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::attach_to(), invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached(), and state().

Member Function Documentation

◆ back()

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::pod_type sheaf::list_index_space_handle::back ( ) const

The back of the list used to represent this id space; equivalent to hub_pod(last id).

Definition at line 224 of file

References sheaf::list_index_space_state::back(), push_front(), and state().

Referenced by front().

◆ clone()

sheaf::list_index_space_handle * sheaf::list_index_space_handle::clone ( ) const

Virtual constructor, makes a new instance of the same type as this. If the handle is attached, attach to the same state.

  • result != 0
  • is_same_type(result)
  • *result == *this

Reimplemented from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle.

Definition at line 426 of file

References conforms_to_state(), sheaf::any::is_same_type(), and list_index_space_handle().

Referenced by operator=().

◆ conforms_to_state()

bool sheaf::list_index_space_handle::conforms_to_state ( const index_space_collection xhost,
pod_type  xlocal_id 
) const

True if this conforms to the handle type required by the state with local scope id xlocal_id in the host id space collection xhost.

  • xhost.contains(xlocal_id)
  • is_basic_query

Reimplemented from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle.

Definition at line 458 of file

References sheaf::index_space_collection::contains(), is_ancestor_of(), and state().

Referenced by clone(), list_index_space_handle(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::new_space(), and operator=().

◆ front()

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::pod_type sheaf::list_index_space_handle::front ( ) const

The front of the list used to represent this id space; equivalent to hub_pod(begin()).

Definition at line 217 of file

References back(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::front(), and state().

Referenced by reverse().

◆ invariant()

◆ is_ancestor_of()

bool sheaf::list_index_space_handle::is_ancestor_of ( const any other) const

Conformance test; true if other conforms to this.

  • other != 0

Reimplemented from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle.

Definition at line 492 of file

References invariant().

Referenced by conforms_to_state().

◆ new_space()

sheaf::list_index_space_handle sheaf::list_index_space_handle::new_space ( index_space_family xid_spaces,
const std::string &  xname,
bool  xis_persistent 

Create a new list id space in the id space family xid_space with name xname, and persistence xis_persistent. Returns a handle to the id space created.

  • !xname.empty()
  • !xid_spaces.contains(xname)
  • &result.id_spaces() == &xid_spaces
  • xid_spaces.contains(xname)
  • result.conforms_to_state(xname)
  • result.is_persistent() == xis_persistent
  • == xname

Definition at line 34 of file

References sheaf::index_space_family::contains(), list_index_space_handle(), and sheaf::list_index_space_state::new_space().

◆ operator=() [1/2]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::operator= ( const list_index_space_handle xother)

Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother).

  • xother.is_attached() ? conforms_to_state(xother) : true
  • (*this) == xother

Definition at line 162 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::attach_to(), conforms_to_state(), invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached(), and ~list_index_space_handle().

Referenced by list_index_space_handle(), and to_range().

◆ operator=() [2/2]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::operator= ( const index_space_handle xother)

Assignment operator; attach this handle to the state of xother. synonym for attach_to(xother).

  • xother.is_attached() ? conforms_to_state(xother) : true
  • (*this) == xother

Reimplemented from sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle.

Definition at line 404 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::attach_to(), clone(), conforms_to_state(), invariant(), and sheaf::index_space_handle::is_attached().

◆ push_front()

void sheaf::list_index_space_handle::push_front ( pod_type  xhub_id)

Pushes hub id xhub_id onto the front of the list used to represent this id space; increments the domain ids of all existing members.

  • !contains_unglued_hub(xhub_id)
  • unglued_hub_pod(0) == xhub_id
  • ct() == old_ct + 1

Definition at line 231 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::begin(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::contains_unglued_hub(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::ct(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::end(), invariant(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::push_front(), replace_range_id(), state(), and sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::unglued_hub_pod().

Referenced by back().

◆ replace_range_id()

void sheaf::list_index_space_handle::replace_range_id ( pod_type  xold_range_id,
pod_type  xnew_range_id 

Replaces xold_range_id with xnew_range_id.

  • (xnew_range_id != xold_range_id) ? !contains_unglued_hub(xnew_range_id) : true
  • old_contains_xold_range_id ? contains_unglued_hub(xnew_range_id) : true
  • (xnew_range_id != xold_range_id) ? !contains_unglued_hub(xold_range_id) : true
  • old_contains_xold_range_id ? pod(xnew_range_id) == old_domain_id : true

Definition at line 263 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::contains_unglued_hub(), invariant(), list_index_space_handle(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::pod(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::replace_range_id(), and state().

Referenced by push_front(), and sheaf::poset_crg_state::replace_cover_member().

◆ reverse()

void sheaf::list_index_space_handle::reverse ( bool  xupdate_extrema)

Reverse the order, for instance hub_pod(new 0) = hub_pod(old last);.

Definition at line 200 of file

References front(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::reverse(), and state().

Referenced by ~list_index_space_handle().

◆ state() [1/2]

sheaf::list_index_space_state & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::state ( )

The list id space state (mutable version).

  • is_basic_query

Definition at line 317 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached().

Referenced by back(), conforms_to_state(), front(), list_index_space_handle(), sheaf::operator<<(), push_front(), replace_range_id(), reverse(), and to_range().

◆ state() [2/2]

const sheaf::list_index_space_state & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::state ( ) const

The list id space state (const version).

  • is_basic_query

Definition at line 339 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::is_attached(), and to_range().

◆ to_range() [1/2]

sheaf::list_index_space_handle::to_range_type & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::to_range ( )

The representation of the domain id to range id map. Warning: direct manipulation of the to_range map can invalid the state of the index space, make sure to invoke update_extrema() before using the rest of the index space interface.

Definition at line 380 of file

References state(), and sheaf::list_index_space_state::to_range().

Referenced by state().

◆ to_range() [2/2]

const sheaf::list_index_space_handle::to_range_type & sheaf::list_index_space_handle::to_range ( ) const

The representation of the domain id to range id map, const version. Warning: direct manipulation of the to_range map can invalid the state of the index space, make sure to invoke update_extrema() before using the rest of the index space interface.

Definition at line 387 of file

References operator=(), state(), and sheaf::list_index_space_state::to_range().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const list_index_space_handle xi 

Insert index_space_handle& xn into ostream& xos.

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