20 #include "SheafSystem/sheaf_constants.h" 255 sheaf::sheaf_constants::primitive_descriptor
271 align(
const size_t xoffset,
const size_t xalignment)
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC poset_type poset_type_id(int xi)
The poset type associated with int xi; converts int to poset type.
static const scoped_index WHOLE_INDEX()
The index of the whole subposet; the top of the powerset of a poset.
static const scoped_index RESIDENT_INDEX()
The index of the resident subposet of a poset.
static size_t max_primitive_size()
The size of the largest primitive.
static primitive_type primitive_type_from_index(int xindex)
The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void check_lps_script_has_run()
Function to test for whether the LPS script has been executed.
static poset_type poset_type_id(int xi)
The poset type associated with int xi; converts int to poset type.
static primitive_type primitive_type_from_name(const string &xname)
The enumerator with name xname.
static size_t align(const size_t xoffset, const size_t xalignment)
Smallest offset greater than or equal to xoffset that has alignment xalignment.
static const int CURRENT_HOST_VERSION()
An alias for the current version of a poset.
static const scoped_index TOP_INDEX()
The index of the top member of a poset.
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_from_name(const std::string &xname)
The enumerator with name xname.
static const string & dof_tuple_type_to_name(dof_tuple_type xdt)
The name of the enumerator xdt.
static dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_id(int xi)
The dof tuple type associated with int xi; converts int to dof tuple type.
static const int NOT_A_VERSION()
The void version.
primitive_type primitive_type
Type ids for primitives.
static const scoped_index EMPTY_DOF_TUPLE_INDEX()
The index of the (unique) empty dof map, i.e. the dof map with dof_ct() == 0.
static string primitive_type_to_name(primitive_type xpt)
The name of the enumerator xpt.
dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type
Identifiers for dof tuple types.
static const scoped_index TOC_INDEX()
Alias for the table of contents subposet.
static const scoped_index NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_INDEX()
Index of namespace schema poset.
poset_type poset_type
Identifiers for poset types.
Type of buffer large enough to hold any primitive type.
The version of the coarsest common refinement of all other versions.
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & dof_tuple_type_to_name(dof_tuple_type xdt)
The name of the enumerator xdt.
An index within the external ("client") scope of a given id space.
static void check_lps_script_has_run()
Function to test for whether the LPS script has been executed.
static dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_from_name(const string &xname)
The enumerator with name xname.
static const scoped_index JIMS_INDEX()
The index of the jims subposet of a poset.
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_primitive_index(pod_index_type xindex)
True if xindex is a valid primitive index.
static const scoped_index PRIMITIVES_SCHEMA_INDEX()
Index of primitives schema poset.
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_id(int xi)
The dof tuple type associated with int xi; converts int to dof tuple type.
static const int CURRENT_MEMBER_VERSION()
An alias for the current version of a member.
static const scoped_index BOTTOM_INDEX()
The index of the bottom member of a poset.
static primitive_descriptor primitive_description(int xindex)
A descriptor for the primitive with index xindex.
primitive_type id() const
The id for the primitive type associated with this.
size_t align(const size_t xoffset, const size_t xalignment)
Smallest offset greater than or equal to xoffset that has alignment xalignment.
static bool is_primitive_index(int xindex)
True if xindex is a valid primitive index.
static const scoped_index SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS_INDEX()
Index of schema definitions jrm.
static const scoped_index PRIMITIVES_INDEX()
Index of primitives poset.
const std::string & name() const
The name of the primitive type associated with this.