21 #include "SheafSystem/section_space_schema_crg_range.h" 22 #include "SheafSystem/assert_contract.h" 23 #include "SheafSystem/base_space_poset.h" 77 ensure(is_basic_query);
98 ensure(is_basic_query);
117 ensure(is_basic_query);
138 ensure(is_basic_query);
159 ensure(is_basic_query);
178 ensure(is_basic_query);
200 ensure(is_basic_query);
215 require(local_id_space().contains_hub(xindex));
246 ensure(local_id_space().contains_hub(xindex));
323 const cover_set_iterator& xitr)
const 333 ensure(is_basic_query);
350 bool result = (cover_size(xlower, xmbr_index) == 1);
354 ensure(is_basic_query);
378 static const string result(
434 ensure(is_same_type(result));
447 if(invariant_check())
451 disable_invariant_check();
455 invariance(implicit_crg_range::invariant());
461 enable_invariant_check();
virtual const std::string & class_name() const
The name of this class; provided to satisfy factory template.
virtual section_space_schema_crg_range * clone() const
Virtual constructor, makes a new instance of the same type as this.
void initialize_fiber_schema(poset_state_handle &xfiber_schema)
Sets the fiber schema for section spaces on this schema to xfiber_schema.
base_space_poset & base_space()
The base space for section spaces on this schema (mutable version).
A client handle for a general, abstract partially order set.
virtual void ordinal(pod_index_type xbase_space_id, pod_index_type xfiber_schema_id, pod_index_type &xindex) const =0
The ordinal conversion from base space id xbase_space_id and fiber schema id xfiber_schema_id to sect...
virtual void tuple(pod_index_type xindex, pod_index_type &xbase_space_id, pod_index_type &xfiber_schema_id) const =0
The tuple conversion from section space schema id xindex to the base space id xbase_space_id and fibe...
virtual bool implicit_cover_is_singleton(bool xlower, pod_index_type xmbr_index) const
True if and only if the lower (xlower true) or upper (xlower false) cover set contains exactly one me...
poset_state_handle & fiber_schema()
The fiber schema for section spaces on this schema (mutable version).
void initialize_base_space(base_space_poset &xbase_space)
Sets the base space for section spaces on this schema to xbase_space.
Abstract base class with useful features for all objects.
virtual ~section_space_schema_crg_range()
The lattice of closed cells of a cellular space; a lattice representation of a computational mesh...
bool base_space_initialized() const
True if the base space has been initialized.
virtual bool contains_member(pod_index_type xbase_space_id, pod_index_type xfiber_schema_id) const =0
True if this range contains the member with base space id xbase_space_id and fiber schema id xfiber_s...
virtual bool implicit_cover_contains_iterator(bool xlower, pod_index_type xmbr_index, const cover_set_iterator &xitr) const
True if and only if the lower (xlower true) or upper (xlower false) cover set of the member with inde...
Default constructor.
int_type pod_index_type
The plain old data index type.
virtual bool is_ancestor_of(const any *other) const
Conformance test; true if other conforms to this.
base_space_poset * _base_space
The base space for section spaces on this schema.
bool fiber_schema_initialized() const
True if the fiber schema has been initialized.
virtual bool invariant() const
Class invariant.
poset_state_handle * _fiber_schema
The fiber schema for section spaces on this schema.
Abstract emulator for a range of implicit section space schema members.