20 #ifndef MEMBER_MEMBER_POSET_BOUNDS_H 21 #define MEMBER_MEMBER_POSET_BOUNDS_H 23 #ifndef POSET_BOUNDS_H 24 #include "SheafSystem/poset_bounds.h" 149 #endif // ifndef MEMBER_MEMBER_POSET_BOUNDS_H virtual ~member_member_poset_bounds()
Default constructor; private to prevent default construction.
virtual bool is_ancestor_of(const any *other) const
Conformance test; true if other conforms to this.
virtual bool ub_contains_member(const scoped_index &xindex)
True if the upper bound contains the member with index xindex.
virtual index_iterator lb_iterator()
An iterator for the members of the lower bound.
A client handle for a general, abstract partially order set.
virtual void detach_from_state()
Detaches the lower and upper bounds.
A (lower, upper) bounds pair for a poset. Specifies a portion of a poset for a bounded i/o operation...
virtual index_iterator ub_iterator()
An iterator for the members of the upper bound.
virtual poset_bounds_descriptor descriptor()
A descriptor for this.
virtual member_member_poset_bounds * clone() const
Virtual constructor; makes a new instance of the same type as this.
virtual void attach_to_state(poset_state_handle *xhost)
Attaches the lower and upper bounds.
A poset bounds pair with lower and upper bounds each specified by a single member.
Abstract base class with useful features for all objects.
A map from Zn (the integers mod n) to bools. A characteristic function used to represent subsets of Z...
An index within the external ("client") scope of a given id space.
Iterates over the subset of Zn defined by the characteristic function host().
virtual bool lb_contains_member(const scoped_index &xindex)
True if the lower bound contains the member with index xindex.
A description of a (lower, upper) bounds pair for a poset. Specifies a portion of a poset for a bound...
virtual bool invariant() const
Class invariant.
Namespace for the sheaves component of the sheaf system.
bool is_attached()
True if lb() and ub() are attached.