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fiber_bundle::vd_algebra Namespace Reference

Namespace containing the vector algrebra functions for the fiber_bundles component of the sheaf system. More...


SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void transform_basis_by (e3_lite &xv, const gl3_lite &xtransform, bool is_contravariant=true)
 Transform the basis and components of xv by xtransform. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void add (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, vd_value_type xt, e3_lite &xresult)
 Weighted sum x0*(1-xt) + x1*xt (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1)
 Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, const e3_lite &xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1)
 Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, const e3_lite &xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1)
 Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const e3_lite &x0, const e3_lite &x1, const e3_lite &xtolerance)
 Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void transform_basis_by (st2_e3_lite &xv, const gl3_lite &xtransform, bool is_contravariant)
 Transform the basis and components of xv by xtransform. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void add (const vd &x0, const vd &x1, vd &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 x0 add x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void add (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, vd_lite &xresult)
 x0 add x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void add (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, vd_value_type xt, vd_lite &xresult)
 Weighted sum x0*(1-xt) + x1*xt (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * add (const T &x0, const T &x1)
 x0 add x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void add_equal (vd &xresult, const vd &xother, bool xauto_access)
 x0 add x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for add(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access). More...
template<typename T >
void add_equal (T &xresult, const T &xother)
 x0 add x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * operator+ (const T &x0, const T &x1)
 x0 + x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for add(x0, x1). More...
template<typename T >
T & operator+= (T &xresult, const T &xother)
 x0 += x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for add_equal(x0, x1). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void subtract (const vd &x0, const vd &x1, vd &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 x0 subtract x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void subtract (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, vd_lite &xresult)
 x0 subtract x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * subtract (const T &x0, const T &x1)
 x0 subtract x1 (auto-allocated version volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void subtract_equal (vd &xresult, const vd &xother, bool xauto_access)
 x0 subtract_equal x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for subtract(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access). More...
template<typename T >
void subtract_equal (T &xresult, const T &xother)
 x0 subtract_equal x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * operator- (const T &x0, const T &x1)
 x0 - x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for subtract(x0, x1). More...
template<typename T >
T & operator-= (T &xresult, const T &xother)
 x0 -= x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for subtract_equal(x0, x1). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void multiply (const vd &x0, const vd_value_type &x1, vd &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void multiply (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_value_type &x1, vd_lite &xresult)
 Vector xv multiplied by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * multiply (const T &x0, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void multiply_equal (vd &xresult, const vd_value_type &xother, bool xauto_access)
 Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for multiply(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access). More...
template<typename T >
void multiply_equal (T &xresult, const vd_value_type &xother)
 Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * operator* (const T &x0, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 * scalar x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for multiply(x0, x1). More...
template<typename T >
T & operator*= (T &xresult, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 *= scalar x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for multiply_equal(x0, x1). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void divide (const vd &x0, const vd_value_type &x1, vd &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void divide (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_value_type &x1, vd_lite &xresult)
 Vector xv divided by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * divide (const T &x0, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void divide_equal (vd &xresult, const vd_value_type &xother, bool xauto_access)
 Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for divide(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access). More...
template<typename T >
void divide_equal (T &xresult, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types). More...
template<typename T >
T * operator/ (const T &x0, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 / scalar x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for divide(x0, x1). More...
template<typename T >
T & operator/= (T &xresult, const vd_value_type &x1)
 Vector x0 /= scalar x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for divide_equal(x0, x1). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void max (const vd &x0, vd_value_type &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 Maximum component of x0, pre-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type max (const vd &x0, bool xauto_access)
 Maximum component of x0, auto-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void min (const vd &x0, vd_value_type &xresult, bool xauto_access)
 Minimum component of x0, pre-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type min (const vd &x0, bool xauto_access)
 Minimum component of x0, auto-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void max (const vd_lite &x0, vd_value_type &xresult)
 Maximum component of x0, pre-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type max (const vd_lite &x0)
 Maximum component of x0, auto-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void min (const vd_lite &x0, vd_value_type &xresult)
 Minimum component of x0, pre-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type min (const vd_lite &x0)
 Minimum component of x0, auto-allocated version. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type contract (const vd_lite &xvector, const vd_lite &xcovector)
 Contraction of vector xvector on covector xcovector (auto_allocated for volatile types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC vd_value_type contract (const vd &xvector, const vd &xcovector, bool xauto_access)
 Contraction of vector xvector on covector xcovector (auto_allocated, access control version for persistent types). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1)
 Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, const vd_lite &xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1)
 Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, const vd_lite &xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1)
 Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, double xtolerance)
 Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (const vd_lite &x0, const vd_lite &x1, const vd_lite &xtolerance)
 Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC unsigned int factorial (unsigned int xi)
 Factorial of xi. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC unsigned int binomial_coefficient (unsigned int xi, unsigned int xj)
 Binomial coefficient (xi, xj). More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing the vector algrebra functions for the fiber_bundles component of the sheaf system.

Function Documentation

◆ a_eql() [1/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1 

Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2419 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), a_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and sheaf::double_tolerance.

◆ a_eql() [2/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2444 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), a_eql(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d().

◆ a_eql() [3/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
const vd_lite xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2469 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and r_eql().

◆ a_eql() [4/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1 

Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2417 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), and sheaf::double_tolerance.

Referenced by a_eql(), add(), and contract().

◆ a_eql() [5/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2442 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), a_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, and fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d().

◆ a_eql() [6/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
const e3_lite xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2467 of file

References sheaf::a_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), and r_eql().

◆ add() [1/5]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add ( const vd x0,
const vd x1,
vd xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

x0 add x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types).

  • x0.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x1.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xresult.state_is_auto_read_write_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x0.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • x1.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • x0.is_vector(xauto_access) == x1.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • xresult.is_vector(xauto_access) == x0.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(),\ xresult.component(i)==old_x0.component(i)+old_x1.component(i)" )

Definition at line 1651 of file

References add(), fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_write_access(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_vector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_covector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_vector(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_write_accessible().

◆ add() [2/5]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
vd_lite xresult 

x0 add x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • x1.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i) + old_x1.component(i)" )

Definition at line 1704 of file

References add(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component().

◆ add() [3/5]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
vd_value_type  xt,
vd_lite xresult 

Weighted sum x0*(1-xt) + x1*xt (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • x1.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)*(1.0 - xt) + old_x1.component(i)*xt" )

Definition at line 1733 of file

References add_equal(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component().

◆ add() [4/5]

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add ( const T &  x0,
const T &  x1 

x0 add x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(x0.clone())
  • precondition_of(add(x0, x1, *result))
  • result != 0
  • postcondition_of(x0.clone())
  • postcondition_of(add(x0, x1, *result))
  • precondition_of(x0.clone())
  • precondition_of(add(x0, x1, *result))
  • result != 0
  • postcondition_of(x0.clone())
  • postcondition_of(add(x0, x1, *result))

Definition at line 143 of file vd.impl.h.

References add().

◆ add() [5/5]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
vd_value_type  xt,
e3_lite xresult 

Weighted sum x0*(1-xt) + x1*xt (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • x1.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)*(1.0 - xt) + old_x1.component(i)*xt" )

Definition at line 2381 of file

References a_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, and fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d().

Referenced by fields::field_vd_algebra::add(), add(), fields::field_vd_algebra::add_equal(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::add_equal(), add_equal(), fiber_bundle::deep_size(), operator+(), fiber_bundle::operator<<(), and transform_basis_by().

◆ add_equal() [1/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add_equal ( vd xresult,
const vd xother,
bool  xauto_access 

x0 add x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for add(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access).

  • precondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 1764 of file

References add(), and subtract().

Referenced by add(), and operator+=().

◆ add_equal() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::add_equal ( T &  xresult,
const T &  xother 

x0 add x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • precondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(add(xresult, xother, xresult))

Definition at line 168 of file vd.impl.h.

References add().

◆ binomial_coefficient()

unsigned int fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::binomial_coefficient ( unsigned int  xi,
unsigned int  xj 

Binomial coefficient (xi, xj).

  • xi >= xj
  • result > 0

Definition at line 2673 of file

References factorial().

Referenced by fiber_bundle::stp_lite::d(), fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), fiber_bundle::sec_stp_space::d(), fiber_bundle::stp_space::d(), fiber_bundle::sec_atp_space::d(), fiber_bundle::atp_space::d(), and factorial().

◆ c_eql() [1/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1 

Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2569 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), c_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and sheaf::double_tolerance.

◆ c_eql() [2/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2594 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), c_eql(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d().

◆ c_eql() [3/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
const vd_lite xtolerance 

Combined equality equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2619 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and factorial().

◆ c_eql() [4/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1 

Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2569 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), and sheaf::double_tolerance.

Referenced by c_eql(), and r_eql().

◆ c_eql() [5/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2594 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), c_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, and fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d().

◆ c_eql() [6/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
const e3_lite xtolerance 

Combined equality equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2619 of file

References sheaf::c_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, and fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d().

◆ contract() [1/2]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::contract ( const vd_lite xvector,
const vd_lite xcovector 

Contraction of vector xvector on covector xcovector (auto_allocated for volatile types).

  • xcovector.is_same_type(xvector)

Definition at line 2334 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and fiber_bundle::any_lite::is_same_type().

Referenced by min().

◆ contract() [2/2]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::contract ( const vd xvector,
const vd xcovector,
bool  xauto_access 

Contraction of vector xvector on covector xcovector (auto_allocated, access control version for persistent types).

  • xvector.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xcovector.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xcovector.is_same_type(&xvector)
  • xvector.is_vector(xauto_access) && xcovector.is_covector(xauto_access)

Definition at line 2367 of file

References a_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_covector(), sheaf::any::is_same_type(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_vector(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible().

◆ divide() [1/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::divide ( const vd x0,
const vd_value_type x1,
vd xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types).

  • x0.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xresult.state_is_auto_read_write_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x0.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • xresult.is_vector(xauto_access) == x0.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • -unexecutable( "for all: i, 0, xresult.d(),\ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)/x1" )

Definition at line 2024 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), divide_equal(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_write_access(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_vector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_covector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_vector(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_write_accessible().

Referenced by fiber_bundle::deep_size(), fields::field_vd_algebra::divide(), divide(), fields::field_vd_algebra::divide_equal(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::divide_equal(), divide_equal(), multiply_equal(), and operator/().

◆ divide() [2/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::divide ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_value_type x1,
vd_lite xresult 

Vector xv divided by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)/x1" )

Definition at line 1996 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), divide(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component().

◆ divide() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::divide ( const T &  x0,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(divide(x0, x1, result))
  • postcondition_of(divide(x0, x1, *result))
  • precondition_of(divide(x0, x1, result))
  • postcondition_of(divide(x0, x1, *result))

Definition at line 418 of file vd.impl.h.

References divide().

◆ divide_equal() [1/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::divide_equal ( vd xresult,
const vd_value_type xother,
bool  xauto_access 

Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for divide(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access).

  • precondition_of(divide(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(divide(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 2072 of file

References divide(), and max().

Referenced by divide(), and operator/=().

◆ divide_equal() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::divide_equal ( T &  xresult,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 divided by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(divide(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(divide(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • precondition_of(divide(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(divide(xresult, x1, xresult))

Definition at line 440 of file vd.impl.h.

References divide().

◆ factorial()

unsigned int fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::factorial ( unsigned int  xi)

Factorial of xi.

Where should we put these functions?
  • result > 0

Definition at line 2649 of file

References binomial_coefficient().

Referenced by binomial_coefficient(), and c_eql().

◆ max() [1/4]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max ( const vd x0,
vd_value_type xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

Maximum component of x0, pre-allocated version.

  • x0.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • -unexecutable( "xresult == max(x0)" )

Definition at line 2097 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible().

Referenced by fiber_bundle::block_connectivity::block_connectivity(), divide_equal(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::extrema(), sheaf::index_traits< T >::invalid(), sheaf::invalid_pod_index(), sheaf::index_traits< T >::max(), fiber_bundle::section_evaluator::max(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::max(), max(), geometry::db0_point_locator< DC >::max_bin_distance(), sheaf::max_pod_index(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::min(), min(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::new_jrm_state(), fields::field_eval_iterator::next(), geometry::db0_point_locator< DC >::point_at_value(), geometry::point_locator::point_locator(), fields::field_eval_iterator::repeat(), fields::field_eval_iterator::reset(), sheaf::sum_index_space_state::sum_index_space_state(), fiber_bundle::svd_reduce(), sheaf::table_dof_tuple_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::subposet_names_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::id_space_names_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_types_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::member_class_names_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_col_bounds_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_class_names_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_domain_offsets_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_schema_ids_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::dof_tuple_schema_versions_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), sheaf::member_names_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset(), and sheaf::poset_general_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset().

◆ max() [2/4]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max ( const vd x0,
bool  xauto_access 

Maximum component of x0, auto-allocated version.

  • precondition_of(max(x0, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(max(x0, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 2138 of file

References max(), and min().

◆ max() [3/4]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max ( const vd_lite x0,
vd_value_type xresult 

Maximum component of x0, pre-allocated version.

  • -unexecutable( "xresult == max(x0)" )

Definition at line 2225 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and max().

◆ max() [4/4]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max ( const vd_lite x0)

Maximum component of x0, auto-allocated version.

  • precondition_of(max(x0, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(max(x0, xresult))

Definition at line 2254 of file

References max(), and min().

◆ min() [1/4]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::min ( const vd x0,
vd_value_type xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

◆ min() [2/4]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::min ( const vd x0,
bool  xauto_access 

Minimum component of x0, auto-allocated version.

  • precondition_of(min(x0, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(min(x0, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 2202 of file

References max(), and min().

◆ min() [3/4]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::min ( const vd_lite x0,
vd_value_type xresult 

Minimum component of x0, pre-allocated version.

  • -unexecutable( "xresult == min(x0)" )

Definition at line 2277 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and min().

◆ min() [4/4]

fiber_bundle::vd_value_type fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::min ( const vd_lite x0)

Minimum component of x0, auto-allocated version.

  • precondition_of(min(x0, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(min(x0, xresult))

Definition at line 2306 of file

References contract(), and min().

◆ multiply() [1/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::multiply ( const vd x0,
const vd_value_type x1,
vd xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types).

  • x0.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xresult.state_is_auto_read_write_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x0.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • xresult.is_vector(xauto_access) == x0.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • -unexecutable( "for all: i, 0, xresult.d(), xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)*x1" )

Definition at line 1924 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_write_access(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_vector(), multiply_equal(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_covector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_vector(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_write_accessible().

Referenced by fiber_bundle::deep_size(), fields::field_vd_algebra::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_1x2< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_1x3< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x1< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x1< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x2< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x3< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::antisymmetric_matrix_3x3< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::antisymmetric_matrix_2x2< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::symmetric_matrix_3x3< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::symmetric_matrix_2x2< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_3x3< T >::multiply(), fiber_bundle::general_matrix_2x2< T >::multiply(), multiply(), fields::field_vd_algebra::multiply_equal(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::multiply_equal(), multiply_equal(), operator*(), and subtract_equal().

◆ multiply() [2/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::multiply ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_value_type x1,
vd_lite xresult 

Vector xv multiplied by scalar x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i)*x1" )

Definition at line 1896 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), multiply(), and fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component().

◆ multiply() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::multiply ( const T &  x0,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (auto-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(multiply(x0, x1, result))
  • postcondition_of(multiply(x0, x1, *result))
  • precondition_of(multiply(x0, x1, result))
  • postcondition_of(multiply(x0, x1, *result))

Definition at line 337 of file vd.impl.h.

References multiply().

◆ multiply_equal() [1/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::multiply_equal ( vd xresult,
const vd_value_type xother,
bool  xauto_access 

Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for multiply(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access).

  • precondition_of(multiply(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(multiply(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 1971 of file

References divide(), and multiply().

Referenced by multiply(), and operator*=().

◆ multiply_equal() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::multiply_equal ( T &  xresult,
const vd_value_type xother 

Vector x0 multiplied by scalar x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(multiply(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(multiply(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • precondition_of(multiply(xresult, x1, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(multiply(xresult, x1, xresult))

Definition at line 359 of file vd.impl.h.

References multiply().

◆ operator*()

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator* ( const T &  x0,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 * scalar x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for multiply(x0, x1).

Definition at line 379 of file vd.impl.h.

References multiply().

◆ operator*=()

template<typename T >
T & fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator*= ( T &  xresult,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 *= scalar x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for multiply_equal(x0, x1).

Definition at line 395 of file vd.impl.h.

References multiply_equal().

◆ operator+()

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator+ ( const T &  x0,
const T &  x1 

x0 + x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for add(x0, x1).

  • precondition_of(result = add(x0, x1))
  • postcondition_of(result = add(x0, x1))
  • precondition_of(result = add(x0, x1))
  • postcondition_of(result = add(x0, x1))

Definition at line 190 of file vd.impl.h.

References add().

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T >
T & fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator+= ( T &  xresult,
const T &  xother 

x0 += x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for add_equal(x0, x1).

  • precondition_of(add_equal(xresult, xother))
  • postcondition_of(add_equal(xresult, xother))
  • precondition_of(add_equal(xresult, xother))
  • postcondition_of(add_equal(xresult, xother))

Definition at line 210 of file vd.impl.h.

References add_equal().

Referenced by sheaf::arg_list::arg_type::empty().

◆ operator-()

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator- ( const T &  x0,
const T &  x1 

x0 - x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for subtract(x0, x1).

  • precondition_of(result = subtract(x0, x1))
  • postcondition_of(result = subtract(x0, x1))
  • precondition_of(result = subtract(x0, x1))
  • postcondition_of(result = subtract(x0, x1))

Definition at line 285 of file vd.impl.h.

References subtract().

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T >
T & fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator-= ( T &  xresult,
const T &  xother 

x0 -= x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for subtract_equal(x0, x1).

  • precondition_of(subtract_equal(xresult, xother))
  • postcondition_of(subtract_equal(xresult, xother))
  • precondition_of(subtract_equal(xresult, xother))
  • postcondition_of(subtract_equal(xresult, xother))

Definition at line 305 of file vd.impl.h.

References subtract_equal().

◆ operator/()

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator/ ( const T &  x0,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 / scalar x1 (auto-allocated for volatile types); synonym for divide(x0, x1).

Definition at line 460 of file vd.impl.h.

References divide().

◆ operator/=()

template<typename T >
T & fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::operator/= ( T &  xresult,
const vd_value_type x1 

Vector x0 /= scalar x1 (self-allocated for volatile types); synonym for divide_equal(x0, x1).

Definition at line 476 of file vd.impl.h.

References divide_equal().

◆ r_eql() [1/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1 

Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2494 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), sheaf::double_tolerance, sheaf::r_eql(), and r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [2/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2519 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), sheaf::r_eql(), and r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [3/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
const vd_lite xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of vd_lite x0 to vd_lite x1 using vd_lite tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2544 of file

References c_eql(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), and sheaf::r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [4/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1 

Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2493 of file

References fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), sheaf::double_tolerance, and sheaf::r_eql().

Referenced by a_eql(), and r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [5/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
double  xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2518 of file

References fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), sheaf::r_eql(), and r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [6/6]

bool fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql ( const e3_lite x0,
const e3_lite x1,
const e3_lite xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of e3_lite x0 to e3_lite x1 using tolerance e3_lite xtolerance.

  • x0.d() == x1.d()

Definition at line 2543 of file

References c_eql(), fiber_bundle::e3_row_dofs_type< T >::components, fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), and sheaf::r_eql().

◆ subtract() [1/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::subtract ( const vd x0,
const vd x1,
vd xresult,
bool  xauto_access 

x0 subtract x1 (pre-allocated version for persistent types).

  • x0.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x1.state_is_auto_read_accessible(xauto_access)
  • xresult.state_is_auto_read_write_accessible(xauto_access)
  • x0.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • x1.d(xauto_access) >= xresult.d(xauto_access)
  • x0.is_vector(xauto_access) == x1.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • xresult.is_vector(xauto_access) == x0.is_vector(xauto_access)
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i)==old_x0.component(i)-old_x1.component(i)" )

Definition at line 1789 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_access(), sheaf::poset_component::get_read_write_access(), fiber_bundle::vd::is_vector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_covector(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_is_vector(), sheaf::poset_component::release_access(), sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_accessible(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_auto_read_write_accessible().

Referenced by add_equal(), fiber_bundle::deep_size(), operator-(), fields::field_vd_algebra::subtract(), subtract(), fields::field_vd_algebra::subtract_equal(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_algebra::subtract_equal(), and subtract_equal().

◆ subtract() [2/3]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::subtract ( const vd_lite x0,
const vd_lite x1,
vd_lite xresult 

x0 subtract x1 (pre-allocated version for volatile types).

  • x0.d() >= xresult.d()
  • x1.d() >= xresult.d()
  • -unexecutable( "for_all: i, 0, xresult.d(), \ xresult.component(i) == old_x0.component(i) - old_x1.component(i)" )

Definition at line 1842 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::d(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component(), and subtract_equal().

◆ subtract() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T * fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::subtract ( const T &  x0,
const T &  x1 

x0 subtract x1 (auto-allocated version volatile types).

  • precondition_of(x0.clone())
  • precondition_of(subtract(x0, x1, *result))
  • result != 0
  • postcondition_of(x0.clone())
  • postcondition_of(subtract(x0, x1, *result))
  • precondition_of(x0.clone())
  • precondition_of(subtract(x0, x1, *result))
  • result != 0
  • postcondition_of(x0.clone())
  • postcondition_of(subtract(x0, x1, *result))

Definition at line 238 of file vd.impl.h.

References subtract().

◆ subtract_equal() [1/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::subtract_equal ( vd xresult,
const vd xother,
bool  xauto_access 

x0 subtract_equal x1 (self-allocated version for persistent types); synonym for subtract(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access).

  • precondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult, xauto_access))

Definition at line 1871 of file

References multiply(), and subtract().

Referenced by operator-=(), and subtract().

◆ subtract_equal() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::subtract_equal ( T &  xresult,
const T &  xother 

x0 subtract_equal x1 (self-allocated version for volatile types).

  • precondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • precondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult))
  • postcondition_of(subtract(xresult, xother, xresult))

Definition at line 263 of file vd.impl.h.

References subtract().

◆ transform_basis_by() [1/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::transform_basis_by ( st2_e3_lite xv,
const gl3_lite xtransform,
bool  is_contravariant 

Transform the basis and components of xv by xtransform.

Need to move this to vd.h.
What do we want to do here?

Definition at line 1382 of file

References fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::basis_matrix(), fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::component_matrix(), and fiber_bundle::st2_algebra::determinant().

◆ transform_basis_by() [2/2]

void fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::transform_basis_by ( e3_lite xv,
const gl3_lite xtransform,
bool  is_contravariant = true 

Transform the basis and components of xv by xtransform.

  • xtransform.n() == xv.d()
Reimplement using the matrix operations on the row_dofs_type.
Clean up the comments.
its annoying that we have to implement the co- and contra-variant cases entirely separately. A more general implementation based on the notion of inner products of i-th row with j-th column (or row) would be better.

Definition at line 2283 of file

References add(), fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::basis_matrix(), fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::component_matrix(), fiber_bundle::atp_lite::d(), and fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::n().

Referenced by fiber_bundle::st2_e3::invariant(), and fiber_bundle::e3_algebra::operator^=().