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Error List
Member fiber_bundle::array_field_dof_map::allocate_dofs ()
isn't dof_tuyple_ub the byte count?
Member fiber_bundle::array_field_dof_map::array_field_dof_map ()
doesn't initialize _schema.
Member fiber_bundle::array_field_dof_map::array_field_dof_map (const sec_rep_space *xhost, void *xdofs=0, size_t xdofs_ub=0)
isn't dof_tuple_ub the byte count?
Member fiber_bundle::array_field_dof_map::operator= (const array_field_dof_map &xother)
isn't dof_tuyple_ub the byte count?
Member fiber_bundle::base_space_member::base_space_member (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::base_space_member::base_space_member (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const pod_index_type xposet_id, const pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::base_space_member::base_space_member (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::base_space_member::prototype_path (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const namespace_relative_member_index &xid)
we need read access to the prototypes poset here, but how do we require it? How do we avoid requesting it?
Member fiber_bundle::base_space_poset::new_member (const std::string &xtype_name, int xdb, const std::string &xlocal_cell_name)

where does this string get deleted?

where does this string get deleted?

where does this string get deleted?

where does this string get deleted?

where does this string get deleted?

Member fiber_bundle::point_block_1d::point_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_1d::point_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_1d::point_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_2d::point_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_2d::point_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_2d::point_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_2d::static_local_cell_prototype_path ()
should be quad_complex.
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_3d::point_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_3d::point_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_3d::point_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::point_block_3d::static_local_cell_prototype_path ()
should be hex_complex.
Member fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::update_row_cache (bool xupdate_id_space=false) const
getting write access here violates policy.
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::contains_dof (const schema_poset_member &xother, bool xin_table_dofs) const

can not use inherited version, must over ride it. Inherited version uses dof subposet, which doesn't exist for this class.

can not use inherited version, must over ride it. Inherited version uses dof subposet, which doesn't exist for this class.

can not use inherited version, must over ride it. Inherited version uses dof subposet, which doesn't exist for this class.

Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::create_cover_link (abstract_poset_member *xlesser)
host is immutable; remove this member. /
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::delete_cover_link (abstract_poset_member *lesser)
host is immutable; remove this member. /
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::get_ext_id (const std::string &xid_space_name) const
product subposet hack, ver 2 The base space schema member can not be a implicit member or the host()->base_space().get_ext_id(base_space_id(), xid_space_name, false) will violate a precondition. The following precondition has been added to publish this error.
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::l_join (abstract_poset_member *other, bool xnew_jem=true)
host is immutable; does not support lattice algebra; remove this facet.
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::make_schema_info (bool xis_table_dof)

host is immutable; remove this member. /

host is immutable; remove this member.

host is immutable; remove this member.

Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::merge_jem (const abstract_poset_member *xjem)
host is immutable; remove this member. /
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::update_row_cache (bool xupdate_id_space=false) const
getting write access here violates policy.
Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::attach_handle_data_members ()

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::initialize_handle_data_members (const namespace_poset &xns)

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Attach_to_state requires access, but since this is not attached yet, we can't tell what we need access to, so we can't require it. This is really an error in attach_to_state - it shouldn't require access.

Member fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::schematize (subposet *xtable_dof_subposet, subposet *xrow_dof_subposet, bool xall_members=false)
this poset is immutable and does not support this operation
Member fiber_bundle::sparse_field_dof_map::get_component_dofs (void *xbuf, size_t xbuf_len, const client_index &xcomp_id, const id_map *xcomp_client_id_map, const client_index *xdisc_ids=0, size_type xdisc_ids_ct=0, const id_map *xdisc_client_id_map=0) const
not dealing with scoped ids.
Member fiber_bundle::sparse_field_dof_map::put_component_dofs (const void *xbuf, size_t xbuf_len, const client_index &xcomp_id, const id_map *xcomp_client_id_map, const client_index *xdisc_ids=0, size_type xdisc_ids_ct=0, const id_map *xdisc_client_id_map=0)
not dealing with scoped ids.
Member fiber_bundle::sparse_field_dof_map::sparse_field_dof_map ()
doesn't initialize _schema.
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block::init_handle_data_members ()
need reference counting
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d::structured_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d::structured_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d::structured_block_1d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d::static_local_cell_prototype_path ()
should be quad_complex.
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d::structured_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d::structured_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d::structured_block_2d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d::static_local_cell_prototype_path ()
should be hex_complex.
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d::structured_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d::structured_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d::structured_block_3d (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::unstructured_block::unstructured_block (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::unstructured_block::unstructured_block (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block::zone_nodes_block (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const scoped_index &xposet_id, const scoped_index &xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block::zone_nodes_block (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, const poset_path &xpath, bool xauto_access=true)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block::zone_nodes_block (const namespace_poset *xnamespace, pod_index_type xposet_id, pod_index_type xmember_id)
how do we require that the host schema conforms to SCHEMA_PATH?
Member fields::discretization_pusher::push (const section_space_schema_member &xsrc, const sec_vd &xglobal_coord, discretization_push_action &xpush_action, bool xauto_access)
Not all the combinations of lmust_gather, lmust_map and lmust_evaluate are supported.
Member fields::property_disc_iterator_4_2::get_prop_disc_values (const sec_vd &xsec)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.
Member fields::property_disc_iterator_4_3::get_prop_disc_values (const sec_vd &xsec)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.
Member geometry::sec_ed_invertible::is_invertible () const
this implementation of is_invertible can not detect or deal with the case in which inversion fails.
Member sheaf::abstract_poset_member::delete_down (bool xdelete_exterior=false, bool xenter_jim_edit_mode=true)
the order relation is now incorrect; this is now a jrm and an atom but is not linked as a jem of the bottom.
Member sheaf::array_index_space_state::operator== (const explicit_index_space_state &xother) const
Since we still support tr1 unordered_maps the comparison operator may not be supported. See COM-374.
Member sheaf::array_poset_dof_map::~array_poset_dof_map ()
what about dofs that are char*? We need to delete the strings they point to.
Member sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::force_item (index_type xindex, const_reference_type xitem)
we haven't guarded against overflow.
Member sheaf::binary_index_block< T >::force_item (int xi, int xj, const T &xitem)
we haven't guarded against overflow, nor have we ensured that an int is the proper thing to use to compute memory sizes.
Member sheaf::data_converter::internalize (const void *xext_buf, size_t xext_buf_ub, void *xint_buf, size_t xint_buf_ub, int xitem_ct)
where does this string get deleted?
Member sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::operator== (const index_space_collection &xother) const
Since we still support tr1 unordered_maps the comparison operator may not be supported. See COM-374.
Member sheaf::hash_index_space_state::operator== (const explicit_index_space_state &xother) const
Since we still support tr1 unordered_maps the comparison operator may not be supported. See COM-374.
Member sheaf::namespace_poset_member::put_poset_pointer (const poset_state_handle *xposet)
the "pointer bug": If handle xposet is deleted, namespace is left with dangling reference need to either allocate a new handle or actually store pointer to poset state.
Member sheaf::poset_component::attach_to_state (const poset_state_handle *xhost, pod_index_type xhub_id)
attaching to state via host leaves member handle with dangling ref when host handle deleted
Member sheaf::poset_component::has_same_host (const poset_component *xother) const
below is not true if both are unattached, in fact, it segfaults
Member sheaf::poset_scaffold::dof_tuple_schema_int_id (pod_index_type xdof_tuple_ext_id) const
for section space schema, using the poset schema to convert the external id assumes the dof tuple was written with the same fiber schema as the host. This is documented with an (unexecutable) preconditionm in storage_agent::write. The minimum required to fix this is to write the external tuple id using the same multi-index method we are using for the host schema in poset_general_record.
Member sheaf::poset_state_handle::attach_to_state (const abstract_poset_member *xmbr)

argument should be a namespace_poset_member

doesn't have a type_id yet; type_id is feature of state.

doesn't have a type_id yet; type_id is feature of state.

Member sheaf::poset_state_handle::ensure_lattice_invariant ()
this action is only correct if lindex is a jim. Otherwise, lindex should become the greatest bottom jem.
Member sheaf::poset_state_handle::row_dof_map_conforms (const poset_dof_map *xdof_map) const
dof map schema must conform to poset schema as well.
Member sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::operator== (const explicit_index_space_state &xother) const
Since we still support tr1 unordered_maps the comparison operator may not be supported. See COM-374.
Member sheaf::schema_poset_member::dof_map (bool xrequire_write_access=false) const
above invariant is not yet implemented in poset_state_handle and apparently not enforced by preconditions either.
Member sheaf::schema_poset_member::dof_map (bool xrequire_write_access=false)
above invariant is not yet implemented in poset_state_handle and apparently not enforced by preconditions either.
Member sheaf::storage_agent::begin_read_transaction (poset_state_handle &xposet, const poset_bounds_descriptor &xrow_bounds=poset_bounds_descriptor::BOTTOM_TOP, const poset_bounds_descriptor &xcol_bounds=poset_bounds_descriptor::BOTTOM_TOP)
should release access to prerequisites acquired in read_prerequisites.
Member sheaf::storage_agent::clear_all_id_spaces (namespace_poset &xns)
preconditions don't accurately reflect access control
Member sheaf::sum_index_space_state::operator== (const explicit_index_space_state &xother) const
Since we still support tr1 unordered_maps the comparison operator may not be supported. See COM-374.
Member tool::visualization_iterator::initialize_iteration (const section_space_schema_member &xcoordinates_schema)
initalize_states is called again from put_anchor.
Member tool::visualization_iterator::reset (bool xreset_markers=true)
reset() does not correctly reset the section_iteration_state variables.
Member tool::visualization_iterator_4_2::set_vtk_data (const sec_vd &xcoords, const sec_vd &xprop, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_pt_coords, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_prop, int xprop_tensor_rank, block< int > &xvtk_cell_types, block< vtkIdType > &xvtk_cell_connectivity, block< int > &xvtk_cell_type_map, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_pt_label_ids, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_cell_label_ids)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.
Member tool::visualization_iterator_4_2::set_vtk_data (const sec_vd &xcoords, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_pt_coords, block< int > &xvtk_cell_types, block< vtkIdType > &xvtk_cell_connectivity, block< int > &xvtk_cell_type_map, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_pt_label_ids, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_cell_label_ids)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.
Member tool::visualization_iterator_4_3::set_vtk_data (const sec_vd &xcoords, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_pt_coords, block< int > &xvtk_cell_types, block< vtkIdType > &xvtk_cell_connectivity, block< int > &xvtk_cell_type_map, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_pt_label_ids, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_cell_label_ids)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.
Member tool::visualization_iterator_4_3::set_vtk_data (const sec_vd &xcoords, const sec_vd &xprop, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_pt_coords, vtkDoubleArray *xvtk_prop, int xprop_tensor_rank, block< int > &xvtk_cell_types, block< vtkIdType > &xvtk_cell_connectivity, block< int > &xvtk_cell_type_map, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_pt_label_ids, vtkIdTypeArray *xvtk_cell_label_ids)
we assume the unrefine operator unrefines to the prop eval, but there is no way to ensure this condition.