![]() |
This is the complete list of members for fiber_bundle::linear_3d, including all inherited members.
_basis_deriv_values | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | protected |
_basis_values | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | protected |
_jacobian_values | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | protected |
any() | sheaf::any | protected |
basis_at_coord(const dof_type xlocal_coord[], size_type xlocal_coord_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
basis_deriv_values() const | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | |
basis_derivs_at_coord(const dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
basis_values() const | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | |
center(coord_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::center(block< coord_type > &xresult) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
clone() const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
coord_at_value(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub, const dof_type xglobal_coords[], size_type xglobal_coord_ub, dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::coord_at_value(const block< dof_type > &xdofs, const block< dof_type > &xvalue, block< dof_type > &xlocal_coords) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
coord_type typedef | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
db() const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
determinant_3x3(double a00, double a01, double a02, double a10, double a11, double a12, double a20, double a21, double a22) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | protected |
df() const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
df_is_variable() const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
differentiable_section_evaluator(const differentiable_section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | |
differentiable_section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | protected |
disable_invariance_check_request_depth() const | sheaf::any | inline |
disable_invariant_check() const | sheaf::any | inline |
dl() const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
dof_ct() const | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | virtual |
dof_type typedef | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
dxi_local(size_type xcrd, const dof_type xsource_dofs[], size_type xsource_dofs_ub, dof_type xresult_dofs[], size_type xresult_dofs_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::dxi_local(size_type xlocal_coord_index, const block< dof_type > &xsource_dofs, block< dof_type > &xresult_dofs) const | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | |
enable_invariant_check() const | sheaf::any | inline |
gauss_point(pod_index_type xindex, coord_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | protectedvirtual |
in_standard_domain(const dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::in_standard_domain(const block< dof_type > &xlocal_coords) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
integrable_section_evaluator(const integrable_section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | |
integrable_section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | protected |
integrate(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const dof_type xintegrands[], size_type xintegrands_ub, value_type xresult_integrals[], size_type xresult_integrals_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
integrate(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const dof_type xintegrand, value_type xresult_integrals[], size_type xresult_integrals_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::integrate(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const dof_type xintegrands[], size_type xintegrands_ub, value_type xresult_integrals[], size_type xresult_integrals_ub)=0 | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | pure virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::integrate(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const dof_type xintegrand, value_type xresult_integrals[], size_type xresult_integrals_ub) | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | virtual |
invariant() const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
invariant_check() const | sheaf::any | inline |
is_ancestor_of(const any *xother) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
is_same_type(const any *other) const | sheaf::any | |
jacobian(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
jacobian_determinant(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf, const coord_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
jacobian_values() const | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | |
linear_3d() | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | |
linear_3d(const linear_3d &xother) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | |
linear_fcn_space(const linear_fcn_space &xother) | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | |
linear_fcn_space() | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | protected |
local_coordinates(pod_index_type xindex, coord_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::local_coordinates(pod_index_type xindex, block< coord_type > &xresult) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
max(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
max(const block< dof_type > &xdofs) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
max(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub, dof_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
max(const block< dof_type > &xdofs, block< dof_type > &xresult) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
min(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
min(const block< dof_type > &xdofs) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
min(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub, dof_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
min(const block< dof_type > &xdofs, block< dof_type > &xresult) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
operator=(const section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
operator=(const linear_3d &xother) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | |
fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space::operator=(const linear_fcn_space &xother) | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | |
fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator::operator=(const integrable_section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | virtual |
fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator::operator=(const differentiable_section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | virtual |
section_evaluator(const section_evaluator &xother) | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | protected |
value_at_coord(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub, const dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub, dof_type xresult[], size_type xresult_ub) const | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | virtual |
fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator::value_at_coord(const dof_type xdofs[], size_type xdofs_ub, const dof_type xlocal_coords[], size_type xlocal_coords_ub) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |
fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator::value_at_coord(const block< dof_type > &xdofs, const block< dof_type > &xlocal_coords) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator::value_at_coord(const block< dof_type > &xdofs, const block< dof_type > &xlocal_coords, block< dof_type > &xresult) const | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
value_type typedef | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | |
volume(const dof_type xcoord_dofs[], size_type xcoord_dofs_ub, size_type xdf) | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
~any() | sheaf::any | virtual |
~differentiable_section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::differentiable_section_evaluator | virtual |
~integrable_section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::integrable_section_evaluator | virtual |
~linear_3d() | fiber_bundle::linear_3d | virtual |
~linear_fcn_space() | fiber_bundle::linear_fcn_space | virtual |
~section_evaluator() | fiber_bundle::section_evaluator | virtual |