23 #ifndef SHEAF_DLL_SPEC_H 24 #include "SheafSystem/sheaf_dll_spec.h" 30 #include "SheafSystem/std_hdf5.h" 33 #include "SheafSystem/mpi.h" 41 class SHEAF_DLL_SPEC equivalence
44 friend class poset_storage;
60 MPI_Aint remote_storage;
66 bool invariant()
67 static MPI_Datatype mpi_type();
68 static hid_t hdf_type();
69 void make_hdf_rep(hdf_rep *xhdf_rep,
int xlocal_index);
70 void make_mpi_rep(mpi_rep *xmpi_rep);
73 poset_storage *remote_storage();
79 equivalence(
int xremote_index,
int xremote_proc, poset_storage *xremote_storage);
88 poset_storage *_remote_storage;
92 void put_remote_storage(poset_storage *xstorage);
96 equivalence(hdf_rep *xrep);
102 #endif // PARALLEL_MPI 104 #endif // ifndef EQUIVALENCE_H Namespace for the sheaves component of the sheaf system.